Pieces of Mars Are Among the Bodies Colliding with Earth

In order to understand meteorite impacts on Earth, it is important to know where the chunks of rock come from.

Grand Challenge: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe

ERC Grand Challenges: For project design, for inquiry, for activism

Rohit Bhartia of NASA's Mars 2020 mission holds a  slice of a meteorite scientists have determined came from Mars. One of  two slices will be used for testing a laser instrument for NASA's Mars  2020 rover while it's still on Earth; the other slice …

Rohit Bhartia of NASA's Mars 2020 mission holds a slice of a meteorite scientists have determined came from Mars. One of two slices will be used for testing a laser instrument for NASA's Mars 2020 rover while it's still on Earth; the other slice will go to Mars onboard the rover.

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech