Architecture. Survival. A Future Vision Lives On

Paolo Soleri’s radical experiment in urban planning has been running in the middle of the Arizona desert for nearly 50 years.

What can we learn from his vision to help us confront challenges to the planet?

To read more, click here or here.


Grand Challenge: Understanding and Sustaining a Biodiverse Planet

Understand how species interactions, climate change, habitat fragmentation, diseases, environmental contaminants, and invasions of exotic species affect the survival of species and the functioning of ecosystems.

Improve knowledge of the relationships between cultures and biological diversity over time in order to better sustain both.

STEM, STEAM, STEMX, STEMD and beyond..

ERC Grand Challenges: For project design, for inquiry, for activism.

By Cody from Phoenix, AZ (arcosanti vaults) [CC BY 2.0  (], via Wikimedia Commons

By Cody from Phoenix, AZ (arcosanti vaults) [CC BY 2.0  (], via Wikimedia Commons